You’ll probably need your right hand to type the ‘H’, which is inconvenient if you’re used to having your right hand on the mouse (like me). This is basically Home > Delete> Sheet (which is painfully slow), but using your keyboard instead of the mouse. This is the fastest (typing ‘D’ is faster than clicking on ‘Delete’). I call this a “ hybrid” shortcut since it combines mouse and keyboard into one shortcut. The ‘D’ is underlined in Delete, which means you can just type ‘D’ instead of clicking on Delete. This does the same thing as RC-, except you’re using the hot key instead of clicking. (2) Hybrid shortcut: RC-D (Right-Click, followed by typing ‘D’). You’ll see the following when right-clicking over the tab - just click on Delete: (1) Right-clicking: RC- while hovering over the tab. The second one is the fastest, and hence my favorite. Below are four different shortcuts to delete Excel worksheets.